



















我目前的资产一部分来自巴黎和圣雷莫的房产;一部分是在格拉斯哥和伦敦的苏格兰联合银行、里昂信贷银行、埃斯普尔特国家银行以及巴黎的阿尔芬·梅斯公司中持有的证券;同样在巴黎的跨大西洋银行的股票经纪人M.V. Peter存管的证券;在柏林的Disconto-Gesellschaft(银行)和Joseph Goldschmidt公司中的证券;在俄罗斯中央银行,以及圣彼得堡的伊曼纽尔·诺贝尔先生存管的证券;在哥德堡和斯德哥尔摩的斯堪的纳维亚信贷公司中,在斯德哥尔摩的恩斯基尔达银行和巴黎马拉科夫大街59号的保险箱中的证券;还有应收账款、专利,应支付给我的专利费或版税等,我的遗嘱执行人可以在我的文件和书籍中找到相关信息。











英文版由Jeffrey Ganellen翻译,2018

I, the undersigned, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, after mature deliberation, hereby declare the following to be my last will and testament with regard to such property as I may leave upon my death:

My nephews, Hjalmar and Ludvig Nobel, sons of my brother Robert Nobel, will each receive the sum of two hundred thousand crowns;

My nephew Emmanuel Nobel will receive the sum of three hundred thousand, and my niece Mina Nobel one hundred thousand crowns;

My brother Robert Nobel’s daughters, Ingeborg and Tyra, will each receive the sum of one hundred thousand crowns;

Miss Olga Boettger, presently residing with Mrs Brand, 10 Rue St Florentin in Paris, will receive one hundred thousand francs;

Mrs Sofie Kapy von Kapivar, whose address is known to the Anglo-Oesterreichische Bank in Vienna, is entitled to an annuity of 6000 florins Ö.W. which will be paid to her by the aforementioned bank, and to this end I have deposited in this bank the amount of 150 000 florins in Hungarian sovereign bonds.

Mr Alarik Liedbeck, residing at 26 Sturegatan, Stockholm, will receive one hundred thousand crowns;

Miss Elise Antun, residing at 32 Rue de Lubeck, Paris, is entitled to an annuity of two thousand five hundred francs. In addition, she is entitled to be repaid forty-eight thousand francs of capital that belongs to her and is currently deposited with me;

Mr Alfred Hammond, of Waterford, Texas, United States, will receive ten thousand dollars;

Miss Emmy Winkelmann and Miss Marie Winkelmann, of Potsdamerstrasse 51, Berlin, will each receive fifty thousand marks;

Mrs Gaucher, of 2 bis Boulevard du Viaduc, Nimes, France will receive one hundred thousand francs;

My servants, Auguste Oswald and his wife Alphonse Tournand, employed at my laboratory at San Remo, will each receive an annuity of one thousand francs;

My former servant, Joseph Girardot, of 5 Place St. Laurent, Châlons sur Saône, France, is entitled to an annuity of five hundred francs, and my former gardener, Jean Lecof, residing with Mrs Desoutter, receveur Curaliste, Mesnil, Aubry pour Ecouen, S.& O., France, will receive an annuity of three hundred francs.

Mr Georges Fehrenbach, of 2 Rue Compiègne, Paris, is entitled to collect an annual pension of five thousand francs from 1 January [1896] to 1 January 1899, when it will cease.

My brother’s children – Hjalmar, Ludvig, Ingeborg and Tyra – each have a sum of twenty thousand crowns, deposited with me against acknowledgement of receipt, which will be repaid to them;

All of my remaining realisable assets are to be disbursed as follows: the capital, converted to safe securities by my executors, is to constitute a fund, the interest on which is to be distributed annually as prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. The interest is to be divided into five equal parts and distributed as follows: one part to the person who made the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics; one part to the person who made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who, in the field of literature, produced the most outstanding work in an idealistic direction; and one part to the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses. The prizes for physics and chemistry are to be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiological or medical achievements by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm; and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be selected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that when awarding the prizes, no consideration be given to nationality, but that the prize be awarded to the worthiest person, whether or not they are Scandinavian.

As executors of my testamentary dispositions, I appoint Mr Ragnar Sohlman, resident in Bofors, Värmland, and Mr Rudolf Liljequist, of 31 Malmskillnadsgatan, Stockholm, and Bengtsfors, close to Uddevalla. As compensation for their attention and efforts, I grant to Mr Ragnar Sohlman, who will probably devote most time to this matter, one hundred thousand crowns, and to Mr Rudolf Liljequist, fifty thousand crowns;

My assets currently consist partly of real estate in Paris and San Remo, and partly of securities deposited with the Union Bank of Scotland Ltd in Glasgow and London, with Crédit Lyonnais, Comptoir National d’Escompte, and with Alphen, Messin & Co. in Paris; with stockbroker M.V. Peter of Banque Transatlantique, also in Paris; with the Direction der Disconto Gesellschaft and with Joseph Goldschmidt & Cie in Berlin; with the Russian Central Bank, and with Mr Emmanuel Nobel in Petersburg; with Skandinaviska Kreditaktiebolaget in Gothenburg and Stockholm, with Enskilda Banken in Stockholm and in my strong box at 59 Avenue Malakoff, Paris; as well as of accounts receivable, patents, patent fees or royalties due to me, etc. about which my executors will find information in my papers and books.

As of now, this will and testament is the only one that is valid, and revokes all my previous testamentary dispositions, should any such be found after my death.

Finally, it is my express wish that following my death, my arteries be severed, and when this has been done and competent doctors have confirmed clear signs of death, my remains be incinerated in a crematorium.

Paris, 27 November, 1895

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

We, the undersigned witnesses, attest that Mr Alfred Bernhard Nobel, being of sound mind and of his own free will, signed this document, which he declared in the presence of us all to be his last will and testament:

Sigurd Ehrenborg
former Lieutenant
Paris: 84 Boulevard Haussmann

R. W. Strehlenert
Civil Engineer
4, Passage Caroline

Thos Nordenfelt
8, Rue Auber, Paris

Leonard Hwass
Civil Engineer
4, Passage Caroline

Translation by Jeffrey Ganellen 2018

关于发布诺贝尔遗嘱的新版英文译本,诺贝尔基金会(Nobel Foundation)执行董事拉尔斯·海肯斯滕(Lars Heikensten)认为,诺贝尔的意愿和价值观比以往任何时候都更加重要。









A:可能引起人们兴趣的一点在于这一关键表述:该奖项应授予那些为“全人类最大利益”(the greatest benefit to humankind)作出贡献的人。早前版本中使用的是“mankind”(人类),但现在这个词理应进行更新。







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习近平亲信慎海雄女儿上海被杀 中南海谣言预言_523

【独家重磅】李燕铭:曾庆红出卖李克强 与习交易团灭团派 阻击陈敏尔晋升暗中布局丁薛祥接班 习近平重用蔡奇何立峰钳制新上海帮五常委 部署长期执政严防政变 习近平连任与中共末日(132) 习连任后高层人事大洗牌(103) 团派团灭内幕(27) 中南海政变与反政变(78) 习近平李克强明争暗斗内幕(101)

中共落马高官背景揭秘(32) 江泽民曾庆红老巢官员密集被查 中国联通上海分公司原副总经理邓玄被查自曝过往不堪 上海市宝山区区长高奕奕落马 江西九江市原副市长彭敏主动投案 北京市两纪检高官落马 河北省纪委副书记陈玉祥落马 东风公司高管密集落马原副总经理童东城被查

李燕铭:北戴河会秘密召开 习近平维持打虎高压态势 六高官三天密集落马 敏感地河北省公安高官投案 辽宁省原公安厅长李文喜被捕

全球重大危机频发(29) 俄空中现不明物圣彼得堡机场紧急关闭 中国新疆与土耳其印尼同日发生5级以上地震 四川甘孜州泸定县发生4.8级地震成都震感强烈 巴布亚纽几内亚发生6.5级强震 意大利海域移民船沉没至少58人丧生

李燕铭:中共高官密集病亡(270) 十一前后37名中共高官密集病亡 四直辖市高官密集病亡重庆居首 安徽7高官接连病亡 原三亚市委书记广西政协副主席严朝君病亡年仅59岁 国家林草局高官钱永强病亡年仅44岁 上海市政府参事王凡病亡 河南省原副省长王菊梅病亡 全国工商联原副主席李宏昌病亡 福建省原政协主席游德馨病亡 四川省政协原副主席李培根病亡 天灭中共之病毒亡共系列之三(不断更新)

【独家重磅】李燕铭:李克强家族深涉内蒙古窝案 胡春华助力李克明抢夺探矿权 得罪彭丽媛 习近平隐忍十年后放狠话亲自上阵主攻李克强胡春华 深度内幕揭秘 团派团灭内幕(28) 习近平李克强明争暗斗内幕(102) 内蒙古帮覆灭记(15)

李燕铭:习近平剑指江泽民外甥与李克强?习深度清洗薄熙来与徐才厚“瓦房店帮” 大连徐长元家族涉黑案金额高达上百亿元房产2714套

李燕铭:习近平视察东部战区 要求军队敢于打仗 东部战区政委敏感时刻换人 新任政委军旅经历非同寻常 习近平疑直接参与指挥环台军演 中情局局长:勿低估习近平对台湾野心 美国空军上将:习已召集台湾战争委员会 习强化军权内防政变对外备战(38) 习连任后高层人事大洗牌(108) 习连任后图谋武统台湾(23)